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Rasa Demo Setup

Now in order to test everything we need a demo app to deploy, you can use whatever you like but for our setup we are using a Rasa chatbot on a github pages setup.

Everything being performed in this step will be done in the rasa directory.

Deploy Rasa On Kubernetes

So now we want to deploy our previous chatbot model from our last video we made, so in order to do that we setup a helm chart values file to use.

First thing we need to do is add our helm repos:

helm repo add rasa
helm repo update

Now we can actually install our Rasa chatbot using the helm install with our values file rasa.values.yaml.

There are a few custom things that need to be set in this file however:

hostname - This needs to be set to whatever your a record you setup in dns was with your custom domain.
hosts - The hosts section under secret needs to be set to the same name as the hostname.
initialModel - This should be pointing to a non authenticated location where your rasa model is,
               we are using the model from a previous video we made with a chatbot.

Now that we have set our values we can install this into kubernetes:

helm install -f rasa-values.yaml rasa rasa/rasa

This might take a few mins to come up, but once the pod shows ready you can see the status via going to

You can check the pod status by running:

kubectl get pods

And you should see these:

NAME                                                READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
rasa-6fb894b7c-vr85l                                0/1     PodInitializing     0          36s
rasa-postgresql-0                                   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          35s

Once these show running you should be able to hit the resource at the route.

You can also add this to your existing github pages index.html file by adding this in:

    data-avatar-background="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"

<script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>